DHL Express Worldwide Expands Overnight Service From Europe To The U.S.

- Direct links from Paris and Frankfurt to DHL Americas' central express hub

DHL Express worldwide announced today that it has established two new strategic air routes from Paris and Frankfurt to the U.S. The new connections feed directly into DHL Express worldwide's North American overnight network, enabling U.S. importers and shippers from Germany and France and some neighboring countries to send next day delivery shipments to the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

"DHL Express worldwide is seeing continuously high demand for transatlantic express services and the two new routes will help customers on both sides of the Atlantic to improve their export and import flows," said John Pearson, chief executive officer for DHL Express Europe. "Canada, the U.S. and Mexico remain very important trade partners for the European markets and for DHL Express worldwide the transatlantic trade lane is a key growth area."

The new direct dedicated flights between Paris and Frankfurt and DHL Express worldwide's main North America air hub in Cincinnati provide DHL customers with assured overnight delivery capacity to the U.S. To serve the high demand for fast-to-market air transport, DHL has enhanced its air routes from Europe to North America in the past year by investing in a fleet of new Boeing 767F aircraft and establishing connections from Leipzig and East Midlands to Cincinnati and New York.

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Notes to the editor:
(1) The three NAFTA countries Canada, Mexico and the United States, rank among France's major trade partners. The US is the most important market in North America, being France's sixth largest import and export partner (2008 figures : INSEE National Statistics)

France, in turn, is the eighth largest import and ninth largest export partner of the U.S. (2009 figures. Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division.)

(2) NAFTA countries rank among the top 32 in Germany's trade statistics. The U.S. is Germany's most important trade partner outside of the European Union and takes an overall third place in the country's export trade statistics. (2009 figures. Source: Statistisches Bundesamt, Außenhandelsstatistik, Rangfolge der Handelspartner im Außenhandel der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 2009.)

Germany is the fifth largest import and sixth largest export partner of the U.S. (2009 figures. Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division.)

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